Sunday, February 18, 2024

Why California's water glass is half-empty after rain and Arizona's is full

...For years, California’s leaders have prioritized environmental doomsaying over sound water management. In the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, the keystone of California’s water system, this has allowed billions of gallons to flow into the Pacific Ocean instead of being captured and stored. 

Ostensibly, this was to protect a 2-inch-long fish named the Delta smelt, though the collapse of the species has continued despite governmental intervention. By not topping off their remaining reservoirs, residents avoid watering their lawns and Central Valley farmers tend to dusty fields. 

Instead of reversing this wasteful policy, Gov. Gavin Newsom is looking for new dams to destroy, targeting the Eel River, Ventura River and Malibu Creek. 

The last large dam in California was built more than 40 years ago. Voters approved $2.7 billion to create new water storage, but that was a decade ago and nothing has been built...more

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