Thursday, June 20, 2024



For those who have asked or sent good wishes, here is the latest since the first of the year

---cancer removed from just below the right eye

---pacemaker for heart

---last thursday at the hospital for images

---last saturday 6 hours in emergency room

---this wednesday a flexible sigmoidoscopy

The last three were to try to find an internal infection, so far to no avail.

This has been a fun week fot the kid. With my curved back and neck from 30 years of being in a wheelchair and hovering over a computer, I can't lay flat. That doesn't work out to well for a ct scan. Twice they banged my forehead into the scanner, and still didn't get everything they wanted. The sigmoidoscopy was done, at my request, with no anesthesia. That was to keep them from throwing my back out...I'm not sure I'll make that choice again.



Anonymous said...

What the heck??!! Praying the next six months will bring better health. Hang in there!! 🙏

Anonymous said...


Dexter K. Oliver said...

Jeez, Frank, your perseverance in the face of adversity should be a role model for us all. When the going gets tough the tough get going, and you for sure exemplify that. Here's hoping you get better soon.

Anonymous said...

Keep checking that back cinch Frank, prays from our end.