Monday, July 22, 2024

Hundreds of migrants leave southern Mexico on foot in a new caravan headed for the US border

 Hundreds of migrants from around a dozen countries left from Mexico’s southern border on foot Sunday, as they attempt to make it to the U.S. border.

Some of the members of the group said they hoped to make it to the U.S. border before elections are held in November, because they fear that if Donald Trump wins, he will follow through on a promise to close the border to asylum-seekers.

“We are running the risk that permits (to cross the border) might be blocked,” said Miguel Salazar, a migrant from El Salvador. He feared that a new Trump administration might stop granting appointments to migrants through CBP One, an app used by asylum-seekers to enter the U.S. legally — by getting appointments at U.S. border posts, where they make their cases to officials.

...Migrants trying to pass through Mexico in recent years have organized large groups to try to reduce the risk of being attacked by gangs or stopped by Mexican immigration officials as they travel. But the caravans tend to break up in southern Mexico, as people get tired of walking for hundreds of miles (kilometers).

...Recently, Mexico has also made it more difficult for migrants to reach the U.S. border on buses and trains...MORE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, we should be so afraid of the invasion. Oh wait these are the people that pick our crops. Oh these are the people that clean our houses. Oh wait these are the people that shovel our snow and rake our yards. Oh wait, do we have white people in this country they do this? Oh do we have American citizens, that want to do this work? Oh wait I think the answer is no. We should be so afraid.