Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Scientists want to put endangered animals in a Noah's Ark on the Moon


Scientists have revealed an ambitious plan to put endangered animals on the Moon.

The storage facility would allow us to keep samples of the most at-risk animals species on Earth.

That would allow them to be kept without the risks posed on our own planet, the scientists claim.

That could be a way of keeping a long-lasting record of the animals that we might lose on Earth, the scientists suggest. They will be “cryopreserved” to keep them in a useful state.

In a new article, written by a team led by Mary Hagedorn of the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute, researchers envision a storage facility built on the lunar surface...more

OK, go ahead and send those animals to Noah's Ark

And send those "scientists" to the belly of the whale, with no three-day limit on their stay.


jed said...

This is pure lunacy.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Jed. Pretty funny pun too.