Making a Mockery of Being Green Director Mike Judge’s new animated television series “The Goode Family” is a send-up of a clan of environmentalists who live by the words “What would Al Gore do?” Gerald and Helen Goode want nothing more than to minimize their carbon footprint. They feed their dog, Che, only veggies (much to the pet’s dismay) and Mr. Goode dutifully separates sheets of toilet paper when his wife accidentally buys two-ply. And, of course, the family drives a hybrid. On Wednesday at 9 p.m., “The Goode Family” will have its premiere on ABC...
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That was a great show and I look forward to next week's episode! My gosh, there is SO MUCH material out there on wacky liberals that think they care more and are saving the Earth with what they think is a green lifestyle. For anyone that has been to those stores like Whole Foods, the writer's were right on with poking fun at the stores and their customers. I also loved the jokes that were thrown in, like about their disapproval of the "pretty one on The View". The show is cleaver, and frankly I'm surprised a network actually aired it? I hope it's given time to develop before it steps on too many liberal toes.
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