Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Song Of The Day #464 (An Enviro Special)

Due to the demise of Bingaman's wilderness bill, things are mighty happy at Ranch Radio this morning.

As a humble and friendly gesture to our opponents, I dedicate this song to the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, the Wilderness Society, Pew Charitable Trusts and the Microsoft founder who all spent so much money and lobbied so hard for the bill.

Homer & Jethro are about to tell them they're Getting Nuttin' For Christmas.


SWilmeth said...

From all of us on the 5AR crew we tip our hats and lift our cups to the MSCowboy. God Bless you, Frank Dubois. With the utmost respect, Merry Christmas . . .

Anonymous said...

Hells bells . . . Don't go gettin' soft now, folks. There is a lot of work to do. Jeff Steinborn needs to run out of town, Nathan is already past tense, and the fate of Jeff Bingaman lingers. It is time to charge!!!!