Wednesday, January 03, 2018

New Year Resolution


Read this article & more in New Mexico Stockman Magazine
I have complained so much about the national news that I finally think it’s time to swear off it completely for the foreseeable future. I find that I can rarely can sit for 30 minutes watching without shouting at the screen at least once. And it is usually more than that.
We took a break for Christmas which meant I was home for the 5 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. CBS and ABC evening news show for several days in a row. The normal get home time usually misses one if not both the shows.
One recent evening CBS was all over the coming demise of the Affordable Health Care Act. They interviewed a poor women in Austin, Texas who has suffered from breast cancer. She is nearly hysterical because she doesn’t know if she still has health care coverage. You can bet that the “popular” new media had a big fat hand in the confusion and hysteria.
I don’t how many times I heard Nancy Pelosi tell the world that 100,000 people would die in the United States as a direct result of the tax reform bill passed and signed before Christmas. I know pretty much nothing about this tax bill.
...The ABC news was much more truthful about what really happens to Obama Care in terms of what the tax bill does.
Then there are just silly people on the news. On another evening one channel was doing a follow up on Hurricane Harvey in Rockport, Texas near Houston. The first part of the story was an middle-aged woman with gray hair screeching that she didn’t know how to recover from the storm. Her statement was something like “Nobody gave me a friggin’ kit on hurricane survival.”
The other half of the story was about a younger woman who, as soon as the storm cleared, pitched a tent and started cooking. She is still cooking and has many more tents. She says that fewer people are coming, but she is still feeding upwards of 1,000 people per day. No kit required.
That pretty much sums up life. We can wait for the kit or get on with it.

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