Thursday, March 29, 2018

Bundy Case - Second Wooten memo kept under seal?

Nextrush Free reports

A court document filed this week by a defense lawyer in Las Vegas gives some details about the emergence of a new memo in the Bunkerville Standoff case from Bureau of Land Management agent Larry Wooten. The US Attorney's Office in Las Vegas and the Justice Department in Washington both received the memo on March 9th. On March 21st defense lawyers received a motion from federal prosecutors to file under seal the new memo detailing allegations of improper conduct by federal law enforcement etc. in the Bunkerville case. Its appears that the feds want to keep the contents of Wooten's new memo secret with Wooten expanding and detailing his original allegations...

In an earlier post Nextrush Free linked to a 3/24 Facebook post by Ammon Bundy

Well, we have whistleblower memo #2 that has been sent to the DOJ, the prosecution and the defense attorneys, and it is currently under seal. Our question is always the same: Why hide the truth? Its so easy to tell so just tell it and let the public decide who is in the wrong. The memo reveals that there are agents now willing to testify to even more egregious government misconduct in this case of The United States of America VS Cliven Bundy Et Al. Let them speak and let the truth be told!

And here is a snapshot of an Ammon Bundy Facebook post on 3/26 

I wrote about the first Wooten memo here.
I haven't seen anything in the MSM about a second Wooten memo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen much in MSM about the first memo,. either.

Maybe I should make flyers with facts of these atrocities.... and post on billboards of every feedstore I drive near in my travels.