Monday, June 10, 2019

Mexico: We might have to adopt a “safe third country” protocol if this agreement doesn’t work

If Donald Trump’s triumph on Friday lacked anything, it was that Mexico had staved off a demand to change its asylum policies. The Trump administration had demanded that Mexico adopt the “safe third country” protocol, by which asylum seekers would have to apply in the first safe country in which they set foot. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador had insisted that he would never agree to it, and it appeared he successfully resisted it — while making a series of other concessions to avoid tariffs. Today, however, Mexico conceded that the issue will be on the table if the commitments made on Friday don’t produce significant reductions in immigration flow...The joint declaration by both countries over the agreement made that plain as well. Both countries agreed to further review of the impact from the agreement and “further action” if the crisis didn’t ease as a result:
Both parties also agree that, in the event the measures adopted do not have the expected results, they will take further actions. Therefore, the United States and Mexico will continue their discussions on the terms of additional understandings to address irregular migrant flows and asylum issues, to be completed and announced within 90 days, if necessary.
In other words, Mexico has 90 days to prove that the “safe third country” protocol isn’t needed. If they don’t significantly slow down the flow of illegal immigration, they know that Trump will be back with a demand to implement the “safe third country” protocol — and that they’ll have little choice at that point but to adopt it.


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