Monday, June 10, 2019

Top brass exit Nature Conservancy amid sexual harassment investigation

#MeToo strikes again. This time it is within the world’s leading conservation organization, the Nature Conservancy. The first to exit the organization due to an investigation into sexual harassment and workplace misconduct were Mark Burget, head of the group’s North American operations, and Kacky Andrews, who led global programs. As an email announced the departures, the group’s president, Brian McPeek returned to his role after taking a “less active” role in the organization during the investigation...The next head to roll was President Brian McPeek who resigned two days after Burget and Andrews, who I assume are Employee No. 2 and Employee No. 3 because their lawyers deny that they didn’t disclose their relationship properly...It’s all quite a web, right? Well, hold on. There’s more. Friday CEO Tercek resigned, just a week after McPeek’s exit...MORE

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