Monday, July 08, 2019

PETA’s feathers are ruffled, clucks over street name in Idaho. Mayor tells PETA to 'cluck off'

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has an objection to the name of a rural road in Idaho. Caldwell Mayor Garret Nancolas has been asked to change its name. The name of the road is Chicken Dinner Road. PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman is clucking over that and she has written a letter to Mayor Nancolas about it. The road’s name is not kind to poultry, she says, and well, chickens have feelings, too. A press release from PETA came out announcing that the letter had been sent...Mayor Nancolas isn’t amused. He essentially told the folks at PETA to cluck off. He posted his opinion on Facebook and explained that even if he was inclined to make a change in the road’s name, it isn’t in his jurisdiction. It is a rural county road...MORE

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