Friday, January 31, 2020

China Accused of Secretly Cremating Coronavirus Victims to Conceal Fatalities

Hong Kong-based news outlet called Initium Media alleged on Wednesday that the Chinese Communist government is secretly cremating victims of the Wuhan coronavirus to keep the death toll down. The official figure stood at 213 fatalities on Friday, with 9,692 infections, but skeptics have long suspected Beijing of fudging both numbers. Deutsche Welle correspondent William Yang spotted the Initium Media report, which was posted two days ago, when the official count of deaths from the virus was 113:

Also, one thing that is hiding is the number of death caused by the virus. Credible Chinese media outlet @initiumnews interviewed people working at local cremation centers, confirming that many dead bodies were sent directly from the hospitals to the cremation centers...
... without properly identifying these patients, which means there are patients who died from the virus but not adding to the official record. That shows the current death toll of 133 that we are seeing is way too low.

“So there are reasons to remain skeptical about what [the Chinese government] has been sharing with the world, because while they have been more transparent about certain things related to the virus, they continue to be sketchy and unreliable in other aspects,” Yang concluded. Yahoo News Australia noted that a Chinese nurse posted a video last week in which she claimed the real number of infections is ten times as high as the figure reported by the Chinese government. After asserting that over 90,000 people have actually been diagnosed with the Wuhan virus so far, she pleaded for people around the world to send masks and other protective equipment to China to slow the spread of the disease. Yahoo quoted Dr. Michael Ryan of the World Health Organization (WHO) estimating on Thursday that the death rate from the Wuhan virus is roughly two percent. This would be worse than most flu epidemics and much worse than the early estimates for Wuhan, but not nearly as deadly as SARS, the 2003 epidemic in China that killed about ten percent of its victims. Fox News observed on Friday that the number of reported Wuhan virus cases has “increased more than tenfold in a week,” with 99 percent of them appearing in the quarantined Hubei province. All of the deaths reported so far have occurred in China. Friday’s report of 43 deaths was the highest number reported in a single day...MORE

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