Hikers planning to explore the Guadalupe Mountains National Park wilderness this summer are now required to pack one more essential item: toilet bags.
Beginning June 1, day hikes and those planning to camp overnight will be required to pack out humane waste in landfill friendly toilet bags.
...One bag per person, per night will be required for overnight stays, and officials said hikers will be asked to provide proof they have the correct number of bags before a permit is issued. Day hikers are asked to carry an appropriate number of bags for the group.
...The new rule is the result of increasing number of visitors to the park, officials said in the news release, and the increasing visibility of human waste and toilet paper "along trails, high use areas and primitive campsites."
...“The highest point in Texas is not a toilet,” said Superintendent Eric Leonard.
I am surprised our the government isn't proposing a Pooper Scooper Task Force. I am sure they hand out these bags to the illegal immigrants coming across our southern border.
Gary, great comment.
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