Thursday, February 16, 2023

Gavin Newsom Issues Order to ‘Consider Modifying’ Releases of Water for Fish

 California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) issued an executive order Monday that directs the state to “consider modifying” ongoing releases of water from reservoirs to save fish in the California Delta rather than storing it.

Newsom’s executive order on Feb. 13 reads, in part:

To ensure adequate water supplies for purposes of health, safety, the environment, or drought resilient water supplies, the Water Board shall consider modifying requirements for reservoir releases or diversion limitations in Central Valley Project or State Water Project facilities to: (i) conserve water upstream later in the year in order to protect cold water pools for salmon and steelhead, (ii) enhance instream conditions for fish and wildlife, (iii) improve water quality, (iv) protect carry-over storage, (v) ensure minimum health and safety water supplies, or (vi) provide opportunities to maintain or to expand water supplies north and south of the Delta. The Water Board shall require monitoring and evaluation of any such changes to inform future actions.

Newsom’s order comes after residents and lawmakers complained that too much of the water that fell on the state in recent winter storms is being allowed to run out to sea.

As Breitbart News reported, about 95% of the water was not captured, despite urgent water needs and an ongoing drought...more

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